
There are 28 commonly found species of earthworm in the UK, however only 8 of these create casts and of these 8 there are only 4 that commonly cause problems with casts on turf. Worm casts create the ideal seed bed for weeds, moss and undesirable grasses. Worms left unmanaged can create major issues to surface levels.

Time of Year: Spring to Autumn


Cultural: Ensure sports pitches are top-dressed with a suitable course sports specific sports sand, this will irritate the worms. The regular use of acidifiers, such as chelated iron, sulphur. Keep the surface clear of leaves dropped from tree’s, which is a food source for worms.

Biological: Acidifiers and the use of iron in the form of sulphur are good options to help control worm actively, along with the added benefit of hardening the turf, which makes this worth exploring.

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